Thursday, 23 April 2009

We need more encouragement not reminders of the failures.

“It is said that over 80% of small business start ups fail in the first year!”I am thoroughly fed up with everyone using this same line.It is said by whom?
For the life of me I have not found where these people get their information from. Is this supposed to encourage people to start businesses?
Don’t you feel sorry for the poor budding entrepreneur?
In America, most serious entrepreneurs have had one or two failed business in their past, they see them as steps in the right direction towards getting the big one.
Sadly, this entrepreneurial spirit is looked down upon in this country; we would see them as “too big a risk”, in reality, the experience that they’ll have gained will have taught them not to make the same mistakes again.
I would call them a “better bet”! I am a “glass half full character”; a believer in positive thinking and I say, “if you believe it will happen and if you can see yourself in that picture, then you will be successful”.
I have heard people say to me, “It didn’t work because I’m just unlucky!” I say there is no such thing as luck! A successful business person is someone who’ll go that bit further than others by doing the things that others don’t like to do and to keep doing it until it becomes second nature to them.
So if you want to sell those widgets get on that phone and “smile and dial”.

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